Due to the fences and tents placed for an ongoing event, I wasn't able to go a little to the right and take more distance. Anyway, probably the trees would have hindered an open view from this side anyway. I need to go back to Worms once again in the winter I guess. Though this was a little disappointing, we had a nice stroll on the first morning of our summerholidays of 2024. Oh, and on the evening before.

St. Peter, 1924. Photo: Kurt Hielscher.

Dom St. Peter, 6th of July 2024. Photo: Casper Molenaar.
Worms, next to Trier the oldest city of Germany, as said the first stop of our summerholidays on our way to Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia and Croatia. Built between 1130 and 1181, the Dom is very impressive, well, when approaching from the other side.

The Dom from the other side.
Inside the Dom.
Am Marktplatz.
Walking from the Wohnmobilstellplatz to the city center.
Judengasse & Martinspforte.
Worms only has nearly 84.000 citizens but still has quite some buildings from the Middle Ages and it is worth the stroll, though the atmosphere was a little depressed since Germany lost the quarter final of the European Championships the evening we arrived. There were still big screens and flags everywhere when we went for a modest evening walk from the Wohnmobilstellplatz.
And this is form the eveing before.

Along the Rhein river.

Below: View to the northern part of Worms with the Liebfrauenkirche when walking back from the city centre to the Wohnmobilstellplatz.