It was a beautiful day with a lot of sunshine and not too hot when we visited Dvorac Trakošćan, originally a smal medieval fortress from the 14th century, at the end of our summerholidays in 2018. The fortress came into the possession of the noble Drašković family in 1569 and was exanded in the 19th century. It was turned into a luxury castle with an artificial lake with its characteristic view as we know it today, well except for its tower, because the roof of the tower was removed in 1963 by the decision of the director Vilim Leskosek. The castle opened its doors as a museum in 1953. It was our second visit 13 years after our first, at the time without the children.
The famous view on Castle Trakošćan, 16th of August 2018. Photo: Casper Molenaar.

Entrance to Dvorac Trakošćan, 1926. Photo: Kurt Hielscher.
Entrance to Dvorac Trakošćan, 16th of August 2018.

Construction works going on at Trakošćan Castle contrasting with its beauty.
Here a glimpse of its interior.
And leaving again to go down for the lake with its characteristic view on the castle to make Kurt Hielscher's second photo.

Dvorac Trakošćan, 1926. Photo: Kurt Hielscher

Dvorac Trakošćan, 16th of August 2018. Photo: Casper Molenaar.

And I got some tasty pastrve, trout at the lake restaurant.

It was a sad day too. It was the day of the funeral of Kim's aunt Yvonne, and we made a symbolic memorial for her next to a beautiful tree at the shore of the castle's lake. We heard she passed away a few days earlier, when we still were in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We decided not to go back home instantly for the funeral. Yvonne has always been very concerned with our family, especially when it comes to Kim's health. So, we wanted to pay some respect and the castle's surroundings is just the right place to do so.

Ofcourse we know it is illegal to stay for the night in the campervan in Croatia outside the official campsites, but here in the uttermost northern part of Croatia we knew were fine. We do it more often, even at the coast. Over the last years we saw prices of campsites rise up to 70 - 80 euros. We are not going to pay these kind of amounts. Or at least minimize it to every other day to lower the average costs for a night. Besides, we don't need a campsite every day, because the van is sufficiently equipped to camp independently for a few days and we like a little more of an adventure.
We found a place to sleep on an empty parking lot just opposite of the Rkt Spomen Crkva Muke Isusove in Donji Macelj. Though it was next to a main road we slept "kao topovi". After breakfast we even played basketball and soccer on the next door's School playground. It was still just a 15 minute drive to the Castle of Trakošćan. On arrival we saw that we could have spent the night on the parking area there too. But maybe that one was better guarded? Anyway, everything worked out fine and we enjoyed the castle fully. The next day we went to Maribor in Slovenia.
Below: Close view on Dvorac Trakošćan.