Soest, Nordrhein Westfalen
So we did go manage to go on a holidaytrip for two and a half weeks in the summer of 2020, though we were in full isolation with the family since the outbreak of the pandemic in March. We ended our trip here, in the beautiful city of Soest. After having breakfast at the nearby Möhnesee where we stayed for two nights on a Wohnmobilplatz we went for a stroll to find the source of the Großer Teich from where Kurt Hielscher made his photo almost a century ago. It was not hard to find, but I could not make the photo from public space.
Wiesenkirche, Soest, 1924. Photo: Kurt Hielscher.
Wiesenkirche, Soest, 12th of August 2020. Photo: Casper Molenaar.
Kurt Hielscher made his photo from a today's private garden. Luckily for me the door to the garden was unlocked and I could sneakily enter for a few seconds and make some photos. The photo shows the Wiesenkirche with a Fachwerkhouse in front of it, which houses the tourist information office today, and the Großer Teich.
The opposite site of the Großer Teich
from where I could make the photo in a private garden, by opening the gate next to the garage.
During this trip I was able to make some more rephotos from Kurt Hielscher, like in Lübeck, Tangermünde, on the island of Rügen and nearby Stralsund, in the Harz with stunning places like Quedlinburg and Goslar, and the beautiful situated Schloss Raesfeld, but more important, I was able to go out with my family and escape from work, from home and from isolation for a while thanks to the campervan. COVID-19 numbers were down during that summer and the least in neighboring Germany and especially in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern where we stayed the longest.
View fom the Osthofentor to the city center

Rathaus Stadt Soest and the St. Patrokli-Dom.

Großer Teich with the St. Patrokli-Dom on the keft and the St. Petri ("Alde Kerke") on the right.

Walking towards the Vreithof.

And we found a playground the boys coukd check out for a while, while I was trying to capture Kurt Hielscher's photo at the other side of the Großer Teich.
Below: View on the Vreithof.