Poland & Kaliningrad, 1924 & 1941
Did you know that Kurt Hielscher also published some photos from Poland and even from Kaliningrad, the Russian exclave in between Poland and Lithuania?
All 39 photos are to be found in his Germany edition of 1924 ànd the one of 1941. Most of the photos are exclusively in his 1941 edition with places like Kraków, Pniow, Paczyna, Nysa, Wrocław, Oleśnica, Śnieżne Kotły, Sněžka, Bydgoszcz, Toruń, Poznań and one from Malbork, but the photos from Gdansk, the others from Malbork, Olsztyn, Jezioro Mikołajskie, Mazury and a few from the city of Kaliningrad, Lohshtedt and the Kurische Nehrung are also in his 1924 edition. Two more from Gdansk and Malbork in Poland and one more from Lesnoje in Kaliningrad are exclusively in his 1924 edition.
Of all these places, I only visited Kraków till now, but did not make a photo from the same standpoint as one of Kurt Hielscher's.
Below: Burg, Kraków, 1941. Photo: Kurt Hielscher.