Muta ob Dravi
This beautiful romantic tiny church, the Rotunda sv.Janeza Krstnika, situated at the mouth of the Mučka Bistrica
River into the Drava River and dates back to 1052 when it was concecrated by pope Leon IX. I studied it well in advance and one can find it easily with Google Earth and when there because of the clear road signs on the main road. I didn't notice though that a house was built in front of it. So for me that was kind of a unpleasant surprise, because I always want to make a nice photo and I expected that there wouldn't have changed so much there. Actually, there wasn't changed that much, except from Kurt Hielscher's standpoint I guess.

Rotunda sv.Janeza Krstnika in Muta ob Dravi, 1926. Photo: Kurt Hielscher.

Rotunda sv.Janeza Krstnika in Muta ob Dravi,
28th of July 2018. Photo: Casper Molenaar.
From the main road I had to climb over the guardrail and get behind the noise barrier (which was not there on the images of Google Earth I studied, but you can see that they were constructing the footpath and about to start working on the noise barrier too when the Google Earth car passed) (Update: Google updated their photo from there in the meantime). On the site of the local government you can see that the church has been restored recently.

In the back on the hill there's another church, the 1425 Sveti Primož nad Muto. From 1955 this settlement was called Podlipje due to Communist legislation but the name of origin was restored in 1994. On the photo of Kurt Hielscher you can only see some vague contours, but on my photo this church is more clear visible.

Inside and around the church.

And we found a playground at the banks of the Drava!!
Next to Bar Mitnica Muta where we had some great ice-coffees.
And then we found a nice place to swim nearby at the Vodni park Radlje ob Dravi where we also could stay for the night with the campervan.

Dobro jutro Slovenija!!!
Anyway, visiting Muta ob Dravi and stay for the night was a good and interesting start for our holidays last summer. We had some really good coffees as well at nicely situated Bar Mitnica (Turizem Mitnica Muta) at the Drava river.
Below: Swimming till the end of the day at the Vodni park Radlje ob Dravi.