Český Krumlov
A visit to Český Krumlov was a must for me when we went for some winterfun in the Czech Republic during our Christmas holidays in 2019-2020. It turned out to be our last trip before the pandemic.
The old city of Český Krumlov with its castle are to be found on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1992
The days before we went to Český Krumlov, we went for some walking in the snow, sledding, skiing and some of us even snowboarding in Kvilda in the Národní park Šumava, famous for its permafrost. It was quite exciting to drive from Germany into the Czech Republic on an icy road at sunset and the quickly emerging dark, but we arrived safely, and the next day the fun could start. From Kvilda we went south and cheked out Lipno Lake and its surroundings in places like Frymbork and Lipno. The lake was frozen but the ice, unfortunaley, was too thin for some skating, but the views were very rewarding. I'll start with Český Krumlov, but share some photos of the other places we visited in this part of our trip below as well.

View on Český Krumlov when you walk from Zámecký park where we stayed for the night via K Zámecké zahradě street just before Plášťový most, the Cloack Bridge.
On the last day of 2019, we made an amazing stroll around the old city center of Český Krumlov and had a long and cozy dinner in an authentic domestic Restaurant Bohemia s domácí kuchyní. On its main square, the Náměstí Svornosti, we even celebrated new years eve. A band played old rock 'n roll classics and fireworks lit the characteristic facades at midnight. Ceský Krumlov is a real gem, not hidden, because it is already been discovered by hordes of tourists and they were there too on this day. Surprisingly we found a very calm and free parking space to park our campervan just above the castle at the entrance of the Zámecký Park, the Castle Park, that became kind of our backyard during the two nights we stayed here.
Český Krumlov, 1941. Photo: Kurt Hielscher.

Český Krumlov, 31st of December 2019. Photo: Casper Molenaar.
On the photo from Kurt Hielscher you'll see the Zámecká Věž, the Castle Tower and the Kostel sv. Jošta. Kurt Hielscher took his photo from one of the gardens of the houses at Parkán street at the shore of the Vltava, but this part of the shore is not accesible. So, asked for permission to get through Vegetarian Restaurant Laibon to get to the gardens. Then I found the right angle at the shore of the Vltava river that we already learned to know in the days before as a tiny stream in snowy white Kvilda. I did not find the right height tough. To be able to reach that I should have climbed over private residential fences and I did not dare to do that. I decided to respect these fences avoiding someone to think that these tourists would become crazier every day. Might be the case, but not because of me. Below a photo from the backyards of the houses from where Kurt Hielscher made his photo.

Another stunning view from the Castle complex towards the city centre of Český Krumlov.

With krtek.
Here some images of the parking at the entrance of the Zámecký park where we stayed for two nights.

Celebrating new years eve at Náměstí Svornosti, central square of Český Krumlov. Afterwards we could walk uphill via the Castle to the van where we spend the night.

Entering the Czech Republic in the dark via an iced and lonely road in Národní park Šumava.
Camping at Kemp u Kukačků with an excellent view on Lake Lipno. The boys checked out the ice at the edges but it was too thin for some ice-skating. During the night we ran out of gas and we were glad we stayed at a campsite and could use our electric heather as well. The next day we could buy new gas in Horní Planá.
Some impressions of Frymburk and its park uphill wit the charming Kaple Vysoká Muka. Also here we found the possibility for some sledding and even a swing-chair in front of the chapel. From here one has a noce view on Frymburk.
Below: another view on the beautiful and picturesque city centre of Český Krumlov, 31st of December 2019. Photo: Casper Molenaar.