When we chose the final destination of our summer holidays of 2024, I chose Besigheim, though I didn't know anything more about it than the two photos published by Kurt Hielscher in 1924. Or to be more exact: three photos. The third photo wasn't actually in his book, or at least the editions that I have. While on holidays I didn't bring this book, because I already brought the two of Italy, the one from Yugoslavia and the one from Austria so taking into account the limited space we have in the van. For Germany I decided to check Wolfgang Henkel's terrific website with the work he did capturing almost all photos Kurt Hielscher published of Germany again. There I found a third one.

Besigheim, 1924 vs. the 3rd of August 2024. Photos: Kurt Hielscher & Casper Molenaar.

Besigheim turned out a charming Kleinstadt of nearly 13.000 souls situated at the Enz river, a tributary of the Neckar that confluence just north of the village. Thanks to the river, there are really nice views on the center, but the authentic center is also like a small gem, especially the Marktplatz with its Fachwerk Standesamt, and where the Kirchstrasse meets the Hauptstrasse with some nice terraces.This photo is made from the Mühlensteg, a modern bridge for pedestrians and cyclists, that for sure wasn't there in 1924, hence my photo can not be shot at exactly the same place as Kurt Hielscher's, but I was close, so probably there already was a bridge in those days.

Besigheim, Enzbrücke & Rathaus, 1924. Photo: Kurt Hielscher.

Besigheim, 3rd of August 2024. Photo: Casper Molenaar.

Marktbrunnen and Rathaus on the Marktplatz, Besigheim.

Rathausfacade as seen from the river side.
View on Besigheim from the Alstadt.

Here's the third and final one from lovely Besigheim. It is a bit odd one, because I don't have this photo from Kurt Hielscher in one of his books myself, so I took it from the website from my friend Wolfgang Henkel. Here you can see he did a way better job than I did. Nowadays, or at least in the summer, I couldn't find any open view from the opposite side of the river Enz to the Rathaus and the center. Here, at least I found a glimpse, just a little over the 49th latitude. Maybe, I should just come back in the winter one day? Most notable finding is the changed position of the clock, which has been moved to the window in the left. No clue why that was done.

Besigheim, 1924. Photo: Kurt Hielscher as published on the website of Wolfgang Henkel.

Besigheim, 3rd of August 2024. Photo: Casper Molenaar.

Memorial on the Enzbrücke.

Leaving the Wohnmobilstellplatz to stroll around Besigheim.
Below: View on the Altstadt of Besigheim from the opposite side of the river.