Alcalá de Guadaíra
To actually be here, where this photo has been made by Kurt Hielscher over 100 years ago, gave me a really special feeling, because I did not only stepped into the footsteps of Kurt Hielscher, but also in those of these children. When you look at this photo, you can not do otherwise than try to imagine how the conditions these children lived in must have been.

Alcalá de Guadaíra, 1914-'19. Photo: Kurt Hielscher.

Alcalá de Guadaíra, 20th of June 2019. Photo: Casper Molenaar.
Now, there was a whole new neighborhood been built in front of the Castillo de Alcalá de Guadaíra, though small and one-fold, as if the children's' children of these children built plain houses here and started a living not having to walk that long anymore with the water.

Then a door opened at the other side of the road and a lady started to sweep the floor in front of her house. Because I was exactly at the same place these children stood, I did not hesitate and asked her to take a photo from me, and she did. I showed her the photo of Kurt Hielscher but she did not take too much attention as if way more tourists come here every day to take selfies or ask to be photographed. I had another impression, because at the time I was the only tourist hanging around.

Entrance of the Castillo from where you can see the place Kurt Hielschermade his photo.
Two more views on the castle. A settlement on this place was already known from 4500 years ago, but a fortification is set on the 9th century AD though no remnants can be seen today. Its current appearance was shaped in the midst of the 13th century. The castle was used as Sevilla's defensive bastion on the border with the Kingdom of Granada. Despite being abandoned in the 19th and 20th centuries, restoration works were initiated in 1998 and 2010 and the result is clearly visible in between both Kurt Hielscher's photo and mine. During my visit I could see that the structure continuously needs attention.
View to the other side from the castle. Situated only 15 kilometers southeast from big brother and touristmagnet Sevilla and with over 65.000 inhabitants, Alcalá de Guadaíra probably had more to offer, but I did not took the time for it. I already had lost some in a traffic jam and I really wanted to end the day before the bike rental cosed the doors near the place where I wanted to park my car for two nights in Sevilla, my next stop and plenty of photos from Kurt Hielscher to rephotograph.

The parking lot close to the castle.

Below: view on the castle of Alcala de Guadaíra. Photo: Casper Molenaar.